Hidden Treasure

An outstanding hand tied bouquet with a cascade of colour and a treasure chest overflowing with the beautiful flowers. *Fine Print: Every bouquet is hand made and delivered by the local florist. Pictures shown are recent examples of an actual arrangement that were designed by talented florists and later sent out to a customer just like you! Please note that each individual florist cannot guarantee what the flower varieties or colours will be, they do guarantee that your specific arrangement will be fresh, beautiful and that your recipient will love it!

Hidden Treasure

Select Option and Price

Standard R 930.00
Enter Your Price - (Minimum R 930.00)

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Add On Items

Sparkling Wine - Sparkling Wine or Champagne please note this will only be delivered together with flowers and hampers. Specify red white or kosher preference on order. Non-alcoholic option available in red or white. Specify on special instructions.

Sparkling Wine

from R285.00

BALLOON - Balloons supplied based on occasion as specified in special instructions or in line with card message- -ONLY SUPPLIED WITH FLOWERS OR HAMPERS


from R65.00

Teddies and Soft Toys - Gorgeous teddies to send with your flowers. (please note,teddies will only be delivered together with flowers.)

Teddies and Soft Toys

from R200.00

Chocolates - Chocolates to make your flower delivery extra special! (Chocolates will only be delivered together with flowers.)


from R200.00